YCL-CX (B♭) (B flat) YAMAHA Clarinet

Manufacturer : Yamaha
Sales price ¥ 317,000
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With shipment Standard Shipment for ¥ 0
Last Updated: 29th Jul 2024


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---Included ---

YAMAHA Original Case

Taro's TRADE JAPAN 1 Year Warranty 



Natural and Powerful Sound with Softness and Flexibility


Easy to blow into without stress, producing a softer sound.

Prevents noise (pad noise) caused by vibrations of the pad surface membrane.

High airtightness ensures the breath goes straight to the bell, delivering a soft sound over a long distance.



Selected Wood: Used for the barrel, upper joint, lower joint, and bell. Natural wood is selected according to certain criteria to prevent quality and acoustic inconsistencies.

Finish: Coated with natural oil to further enhance the natural resonance of the material.

Visual Appeal: The natural grain of the wood is preserved, providing a sophisticated appearance.


Excellent Operability without Straining the Fingers


Equipped with a movable thumb rest with a strap ring.

Set to your preferred position to prevent thumb pain and fatigue.

Suitable for players with small hands and allows for adjustment as you improve or grow.

A strap can be attached to the ring if needed for added support during performance.



The connection of the relatively short and often stiff left-hand F/C lever features an adjustable screw mechanism.

Ensures precise key return, stable left-hand operation, and improved touch.

Reduced wear and easier maintenance help maintain optimal operability for a long time.


Equipped with longer E/B levers and C#/G# keys to prevent finger slippage during performance, reducing touch errors.








Instead of being carved out from the body, the tone holes are made separately and embedded, resulting in the clear and distinct sound quality characteristic of the CX model.


Model Custom SE
Keys/Rings/Others 17 keys, 6 rings, Boehm system, adjustable thumb rest with strap ring
Barrel 64.5mm
Sound Source/Tone
Key B♭
Body Material Selected Wood Carefully chosen material to ensure consistent quality and acoustics
Body Grenadilla
Finish Natural oil
Key Material Forged nickel silver, silver-plated
Pivot Screws/Other Screws Material Stainless steel
Needle Springs/Leaf Springs Material Hard steel
Pads leather
Accessories Mouthpiece CL-4CM
Case CLC-65
Case Cover CLB-90II















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