STAGEA Classic Composers Series Vol.3 Tchaikovsky Grade 5-3

Manufacturer : Yamaha
Sales price ¥ 3,800
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With shipment Standard Shipment for ¥ 0
Last Updated: 28th Nov 2022


Merchant Number
Released date
 21st December 2018
60 Page
Merchant type
Music sheet book
JAN Number
ISBN Number
Musical Instruments
Registration Data Price

 ELS-01 data JPY 1,300 

ELS-02/ELC-02  data JPY1,300 

ELS-02C/02X  data JPY 1,300 

 About Electone books shipping cost & Registration data Handling fee is from here

Music Titles 

[1]  From Ballet -Swan Lake- ~Second Act No.22:Pas de deux (The Black Swan Grand Pas de Deux)

II. Variation 1~Second Act No.23 :Scene (Finale)~Second Act No.27:Scene (Finale)-Allegro Agitato 


[2]  From Ballet Music [Nutscracker] Overture Miniature~Dance de la Fee Dragee~Dance russe:Trepak~Valse des fleures 

[3]  From [4 seasons―12 Morceaux caracteristiques]  No.6 "Barcarolle" g-moll

[4]  Romeo and Juliet Fantasy Overture