SOLD! (Preloved)D-deck Package (Item Location San Francisco)

Manufacturer : Yamaha
With shipment Standard Shipment for ¥ 0
Last Updated: 5th Mar 2016


This item Sold. (5tht March 2016)


From San Francisco, CA, US:  


For sale: Yamaha Stagea D-Deck (DDK-7) including:  

  • D-Deck Keyboard [DDK-7]
  • D-Deck Keyboard Stand [DDKU-L7]
  • D-Deck Pedal Board [DDKU-P7]
  • D-Deck Music Rest [DDKU-R7]
  • D-Deck Bench/Stool [DDKU-B7]

This D-Deck is about 6 years old but has been lightly used and well cared for. Instrument is in like new condition and comes with all of the original documentation, accessories and packaging. A Japan-to-US power transformer is also included. 


I'm willing to ship to any location in the US if the buyer pays for shipping .


Asking price: $3500 US + shipping