STAGEA/EL Vol.36 NHK Drama Grade5-3

(Out of Publish) (N/A)STAGEA/EL Vol.36 NHK Drama Grade5-3

Manufacturer : Yamaha
With shipment Standard Shipment for ¥ 0
Last Updated: 23rd Oct 2016



Merchant Number
Released date
 1 July 2011
56 Page
Merchant type
Music sheet book
JAN Number
ISBN Number
Musical Instruments
Registration Data Price

ELS-01 data JPY2 ,000

ELS-01C data JPY 2,000

 About Electone books shipping cost & Registration data Handling fee is from here

Music Titles 

1 . 天地人-Opening Theme

2. 人〜賛歌

3. 功名が辻 Main Theme

4. 颯流 Main Theme

5. 独眼竜正宗

6, 篤姫 Medley 


ELS-02 Series STAGEA is released