Popular Vol.10 Cinema Grade 9-8-2
Popular Vol.10 Cinema Grade 9-8-3
Popular Vol.10 Cinema Grade 9-8-4
Popular Vol.10 Cinema Grade 9-8-43

(Out of Publish)(USED) EL Series Popular Vol.10 Cinema Grade 9-8 [Inc FD for EL900m~EL37]

Manufacturer : Yamaha
Sales price ¥ 9,000
Price / kg:
With shipment Standard Shipment for ¥ 0
Last Updated: 20th Jun 2024


Merchant Number
Released date
 48 Page
Merchant type
Music sheet book
JAN Number
ISBN Number
Musical Instruments
Registration Data Price

Floppy Disk Registration data for EL-900m~El37 is included.

(Please understand that due to the age we can not guarantee this Floppy Disk works perfectly on your EL Electone.)


 About Electone books shipping cost & Registration data Handling fee is from here

Music Titles 

[1]  プロローグ(ハリー・ポッターと賢者の石)

[2]  ネバー・エンディング・ストーリー/リマール

[3]  クィディッチ・マッチ(ハリー・ポッターと賢者の石)

[4]  ロッキーのテーマ

[5]  80日間世界一周/Victor Young

[6]  タラのテーマ(風と共に去りぬ)

[7]  ド・レ・ミの歌(サウンド・オブ・ミュージック)

[8]  荒野の七人