Taro san- again, it was a pleasure doing business with you. The Stagea Mini arrived flawlessly without a glitch within 4 days from your dispatched date.
This instrument is a superb entry model that translates down my personal ELS software for students. In the future, I'm certain this will initiate our ELX, EL-90, 70 and 60 replacements with Stagea models at our school and students' homes. I continue to enjoy my ELX and ELS-01X at our Florida home. Until our next .
Best Regards,
Choy Lozada Lozada School of Music 2230 Highway U.S.1 Vero Beach, FL 32960 772.567.8474 Cheap Clonazepam No Prescription

Hi Choy san
Thank you very much for puchased Electone from us again!
I do very appreciate it.
If you have any question or problem please feel free to send me a message anytime.
Best Regards