STAGEA Vol.122 Cinema Best of Best Grade 5-3

Manufacturer : Yamaha
Sales price ¥ 4,300
Price / kg:
With shipment Standard Shipment for ¥ 0
Last Updated: 2nd Oct 2023


Merchant Number
Released date
 25th July 2023
60 Page
Merchant type
Music sheet book
JAN Number
ISBN Number
Musical Instruments
Registration Data Price

ELS-01/01C data JPY1600

ELS-02 data JPY1600

ELS-02C/X data JPY 1600

 About Electone books shipping cost & Registration data Handling fee is from here

Music Titles 

[1] "Star Wars" main title

[2] Prologue -Harry Potter's theme: Escape from Volume 2 and Dirly family
[3] Raiders March
[4] Mary Christmas Mr. Lawrence/Ryuichi Sakamoto
[5] Back to the Future