Monthly Electone Monthly Magazine February 2020

Manufacturer : Yamaha
Sales price ¥ 3,000
Price / kg:
With shipment Standard Shipment for ¥ 0
Last Updated: 5th Feb 2023


Merchant Number
Released date
 20th Jan 2020
116 Page
Merchant type
Music sheet book
JAN Number
ISBN Number
Musical Instruments
Registration Data Price

ELS-01/01C  data JPY 2,000

ELS-02 /02C ELC-02 data JPY 2,000

ELB-02 data JPY 1,300

 About Electone books shipping cost & Registration data Handling fee is from here

Music Titles 

[1]  兵、走る/B'z

[2]  ポラリス/BLUE ENCOUNT

[3]  Turning Up/嵐

[4]  飾りじゃないのよ涙は/King Gnu

[5]  グランメゾン東京-Main Theme-/木村 秀彬

[6]  檄!帝国華撃団<新章>

[7]  竈門炭治郎のうた/椎名 豪 featuring 中川 奈美

[8] Jours en France / Francis Lai

[9]  いのちの歌/竹内 まりや

[10]  Gnossiennes No.1 / E. Satie

[11]  Looking Up / Michel Petrucciani

[12]  Merry Widow Walts (R&B Soul Ballad arrangement)

[13]  Into the Unknow / Kristen Anderson-Lopez/Robert Lopez