YAMAHA Soprano Saxophone Neck M1 Type (Straight) SM1S (Silver Plating)

Manufacturer : Yamaha
Sales price ¥ 34,000
Price / kg:
With shipment Standard Shipment for ¥ 0
Last Updated: 30th Apr 2018


YAMAHA Soprano Saxophone Neck M1 Type (Straight) SM1S (Silver Plating)

*Please note :Item Image is SG2

Shipping Cost Category :  C1 

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Gold lacquerSilver plateGold plate
M1: Straight SM1 SM1S SM1GP
M1: Curved SM1R SM1RS SM1RGP
F1: Straight SF1 SF1S SF1GP
F1: Curved SF1R SF1RS SF1RGP
G2: Straight SG 2 SG 2 S SG 2 GP
G2: Curved SG2R SG 2 RS SG 2 RGP