

Yamaha ELS-02C has finally arrived home in Buenos Aires, Argentina!! I am very satisfied with your team's work. At first I was a bit concerned about buying something so expensive online, but at the end of the day it is fair to say that your work and dedication has been excellent. It's good to know that everybody has the possibility to buy stuff in Japan with Taro's help and assistance. Many thanks!

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https://www.daathize.com.br/gm5ibucv You are right. Tax rates in Argentina are high. The main tax to pay is VAT, that is 21% of CIF value + Custom duties. Custom duties are a bit higher than other countries (here is 10% of CIF value), but is not high as other tariff positions also in Argentina than may reach the 35%. Also,if you are final consumer you have to pay an additional 11% as "income tax", which fortunatelly my customs agent manage to avoid.


Additionally, you have to do some paperwork to ask for an exception of something called "seguridad eléctrica" (electrical safety) if you are final consumer, OR (big and important "or") certify the electrical safety of the organ if you are importing the organ to sell it. This part was the most difficult for me, because nobody know how to ask the exception, so it took one month me to figure out how the matter should be done and one additional month waiting for the government response.


Not big deal to transfer the money overseas. As far as I know, this was not the case a couple of years ago.


https://adamkaygroup.com/uncategorized/yzth8kv So, at the end of the day you pay:

- Item Price

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- 10% on Item Price + Shipping

- 21% on Item Price + Shipping + 10% of previous line

https://seameotropmednetwork.org/docus/dyhixeq/ - 11% of income tax if you are final consumer (somehow it can be avoided)



Luckily, this is different to import books including music sheets, that do not pay customs duties and I think (not sure) they also do not pay VAT. Also door to door delivery is allowed for these items. This is not the case for registrations you sell, because you send them in pendrives. In this case, door to door is allowed, but I believe that they pay VAT and custom duties (I am not sure because they recently lowered the customs duties of computers and computers parts to 0%, so perhaps pendrives are included).
That's all the review in case you have another transaction with Argentina in the future.Following, the cute part of story to post in your site!







